History Rewritten – page 4

Bordijrhera, Italy 1941: “Since Adolf isn’t here, I can say it out loud – Benito, you’re the prettiest fascist of us all.”
There are suggestions that Tory MP Chris Pincher’s Grinder portrait may not be wholly authentic
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Tennessee 1925: Disney’s Old Testament Theme Park had to close after just a week owing to widespread trauma among visitors.
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Galilee 1AD: Kissing babies and excessively lavish bribes characterised the election campaign for Chief Pharisee of Judea.
1649: Body Shop has diversified its mail-order business a great deal since Cromwell’s time
Russia puts a limit on military medals - Asia Times
Moscow, March 2022 – “These medals weigh a bloody ton, Sergei, but at least I got them killing real Nazis.”
The Brexit fishing dispute with France starts to get out of control.
An Illustrated Guide to Claiming Universal Credit.
Moments before the Great Klan Inferno of 1952 when a toppling fiery cross set alight the robes of 113 initiates as they swore the oath of white supremacy. An Act of God, said some.
Lord George Robertson on the Red Carpet Road to Socialism.
Table Bay 1652: “Can we interest you in a month’s free trial of Dutch Colonialism? If not fully satisfied we promise to cancel your membership…”
Berlin, the Führer Bunker, April 1945: “Did I ever tell you about my landslide victory in 1933?”
Trump supporters in Bonespur, Mississippi finally agree to wear Covid-19 protection.
Great Moments in Painting: 1921, Piet Mondrian invents the Dulux Colour Chart.
Germany November 1938, Kristallnacht – Nazis celebrate as a synagogue goes up in flames… oops, wrong captionthat’s the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem…
June 1940: British tourists insist on their right to go on holiday in Europe despite government warnings of a risk to their health.